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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Move It or Lose It

If you know me well, you know that I have the tendency to stress out and worry about a lot of things. You want to know what the current worry is? MOVING!!! I have moved before-several times, in fact. But never across the WHOLE ENTIRE COUNTRY! Its not quite a coast to coast move, but pretty dang close. When we were first married we moved across town several times. Back then I would just put all my dishes in a laundry basket and drive really carefully to my new house. No kidding. Then when we moved to Portland, Derek's company packed us and moved our stuff here. It really spoiled me. Now I'm getting ready to move in a few weeks and I want your help! No, you don't have to load my dresser on a moving truck. I just need your tips and advice. I know lots of you have moved many, many times. What do you know that I don't know? Besides the obvious (boxes and tape) what do I need to get? Anything that makes the process any easier or more efficient? Oh, and I'm fully aware that there is a good chance I'm worrying over nothing. Its not rocket science right? You put stuff in boxes and put it on a truck. But just in case. I have to ask.


Alisa said...

I'm considering starting a move consulting business. Here's my top 5:
1. pack your boxes TIGHT and load the truck TIGHT so no shifting is possible. Load up on TP-it makes great space fillers.
2. pack your dishes inbetween styrofoam plates. Then you have somehting to eat off when you get there, too.
3. you can never have too many packing pads.
4. Fit EVERYTHING in boxes, even things where it doesn't seem practical.
5. call me for help. I love packing.
Really, only three weeks? That's very terrible news.

Kristi said...

-use spare blankets for packing pads (they don't give you enough with the truck) but don't use your nice ones! They can get dirty or torn.
-U-Haul has a "china box" that is perfect for dishes -- especially glasses. I love the idea about the styrofoam plates.
-Try to avoid "misc" boxes. They take forever to unpack. Don't pack things in the same box if they go in different rooms.
-Clothes. Put them on a rod of some kind still on the hangers. If you fold them up and put them in a box, you'll have to iron EVERYTHING when you get there. This is usually the last thing I put in the truck in case you need more clothes on your trip.

I can't believe you're moving. I hate that we only saw each other a few times while you lived here. I'm a terrible friend. I'm going to miss you! Drive safe.

Julie said...

You probably already have this arranged but here's a tip on getting a cheaper rate on your truck. Pick two companies that have the lowest rates. Schedule with the higher priced one, and then call them back to cancel telling them you got a cheaper rate from the other one. They will almost always beat it. You can even then call back the original lower company and tell them the other company beat their price. I once did this and they went back and forth several times and I got an amazing deal on the truck!

Stephanie said...

How cool about the truck bargaining! I didn't realize you guys were moving. Where to? I HATE moving. I also used to just throw everything in the car. I also HATE unpacking, and after living in this house for a year, I STILL have boxes in the garage I haven't touched. So I guess my only method is to get rid of as much stuff as is possible before you move. Stick with the minimum. Then there's less to pack. Good luck with everything.

Rach H @ FamilyEverAfter said...

Maybe this is obvious, but I use my clothes and towels to wrap fragile things from dishes to knicknacks to picture frames. It's not too hard to unpack it all.

And I learned this one the hard way... take all your special hanging pictures out of their glass frames and save them in a folder or something. Pack the glass together. It's a pain to take out all your pictures from their frames, but once I didn't and the glass busted and scratched up the pictures really bad. (At least I had a digital backup of that one, but many pictures I don't own the files).

Anyway, one more thing I thought of thanks to Luke and Jeff when they shrink-wrapped my car one time. When I moved, I decided to shrink wrap our bookshelves, the crib, glass, etc. Just buy a few huge rolls of plastic wrap at Sams, and it keeps things nice and tidy.

Rach H @ FamilyEverAfter said...

I've got a question for this blog.

I am having a dickens of a time getting a video posted on my blog. Basic question, how do you do it?

Here's what I've gone through already... I learned how to convert my .mod files to .avi since blogger only accepts certain kinds. I've edited my video to less than 100MB since that's the limit blogger accepts. I've tried uploading it to blogger by clicking on "new post" and the video link. For about 3 hours, it says the video will appear when its complete, but it never happens. I have no idea what the deal is!!!

Any blog video geniuses out there?

Thanks Amber!!!

Rach H @ FamilyEverAfter said...

oh i guess i should have sent that to your email. whoops!

LINSY said...

Ah packing - the torture of my life. Here are some tips from our many moves:
- pack enough clothes to make it across the country without having to do laundry.
- pack and carry with you in the car (or easily accessible) the following items so you will have them when you get to your new place: scissors for opening boxes, toilet paper, paper towels, paper plates and forks, pens and paper (always need them, hard to find), portable DVD player and dvds for kids to watch when you are unpacking (don't forget the wall plug-in vs. car charger)
- rent lots of moving blankets/pads to protect furniture
- rent at least 2 furniture dollies - this is Darin's number #1 rule

good luck amber! can't wait to get you out here!

Unknown said...

I always used newpapers for packing. You can always get them from the recycling bins and then return them when you get to VA. I liked the styrofoam plate idea. I could have used it about 30 moves ago :) If you have a half full box, use towels or newspapers to pack it tighter. A very small movement repeated 3000 miles can cause holes or bad rubs in furniture, picture frames, etc. Pack by weight. Pack lightest on top and heaviest on bottom and towards the front. You can't have too many packing blankets...then stay focused on one box at a time. You are so organized, Amber, packing your house will go quickly.