For today's favorite I thought "books" would be a great topic. I love books-self help, fiction, non-fiction. You name it. I don't know if this is my favorite book, necessarily, but it is a great book. "Catch a Fish, Throw a Ball, Fly a Kite: 21 Timeless Skills Every Child Should Know (and any parent can teach!)" by Jeffrey Lee.
I think the long title pretty much explains what the book is about.
If you are interested you can buy it used on Amazon for 1 cent (plus shipping)!
So what is your favorite book that is in your shelf? It can be any kind of book just one that you love. Please share! I don't want to miss out on the great reads out there.
I LOVE "The Giving Tree," by Shel Silverstein. Actually, I love all of his books. I think that is partly because I grew up w/ my mother reading them to us, but also because they are so silly and imaginative. Both qualities I think are important for kids to learn.
I also love "Paper Bag Princess," And "Love You Forever," by Robert Munsch. Love You Forever makes me cry almost every time I read it.
AMBER "The Giving Tree" is MY favorite book! I'm not an avid reader, but recently finished "The Princess Academy" by Shannon Hale and loved it. Go girls! "The Tale of Three Trees," a traditional folktale is a favorite to read to my kids-among others.
I think I need to get myself a copy of that book. Besides Jane Austen (of course), one book that I would recommend to anyone is The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom.
Oddly enough, Lonesome Dove is one of my all time favorite books. It's really long but I fell in love with the characters and was so sad when I finished the book. I am not someone who typically likes "westerns" but I LOVED this book.
I don't know if I have a favorite book but I love goodreads.com, its so nice to have a running list of recommendations from friends. For kids we have been enjoying Amelia Bedelia and Nate the Great books.
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