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Monday, May 4, 2009

What's the "Deal" with Coupons?

I have run into some coupon websites recently and I have been honestly amazed at some of the extreme deals to be had. Free toothpaste, 50 cent mouthwash, and $60 in groceries for 33 cents? This is crazy! The idea is intriguing to me but here is my problem. I don't have any idea what most of the websites are talking about. They have their own little lingo and I don't know what it means. For example: "04/26 RP $3.00/2" or "Use TWO $1/1 from 5/3 P&G".
Does anyone know of a place beginners can go to learn the lingo?
Also, anyone recommend some good coupon sites?
I was also wondering if anyone who is into this can tell us if it is worth it? Do you really save enough money on the stuff you need to make it worth the time and effort? Do you buy a ton of stuff you wouldn't have otherwise spent money on because it is such a good deal?


Riley's said...

Hey Amber I am totally interested in this. Another friend just posted how she saved 75% on her groceries. Can you post some of the websites you have looked at?

Amber said...

Okay so I am obsessed (see this for how it all started: and now write for a local couponing blog It is ABSOLUTELY worth it. I went from spending $600/month on groceries, TP, toothpaste, etc. to spending about $200/month. It is CRAZY (and addicting!). So go here to learn the lingo ( and to learn how to get started ( I also use and HCW is nice because there is a pretty extensive database where you can search for coupons for specific items or specific brands. Email me if you have more questions. My advice is to do it! Seriously worth it for sure.

Amber said...

From my cousin Tristan:
I have been couponing for 6 months and my food storage is stocked! I save at least $25 each week I go grocery shopping. Last week I saved $70. It is a lot of work but if you want tips, give me a call sometime. I use the website They posted some training videos a while ago on how to coupon that you might want to check out. And by the way, RP 4/26-13 means the coupon can be found in the red plum coupon book that came out on April 26th, page 13. RP=Red Plum, S=Smart Source, PG=Proctor & Gamble (those are the three main coupon books that come out). It's fun to see how much you can save and where you can get the best deal. I have even made money on items before! You totally should do it!

Tanja said...

I just started couponing. It is fun and I actually save money like crazy. First thing you want to do is start getting the paper. It takes about a month to catch up with the great sales, but it is worth it. is a great site to get internet printables. Tanja

Abbie said...

I definitely need to look into this. I am sure I could save a bunch of money if I paid more attention while shopping and used coupons. I usually just buy things whenever and wherever it is convenient.