I thought it would be great if every Friday we share our favorite things from a certain category. If everyone can share the things they love, the rest of us can know what we are missing out on! Today's fascinating topic-cleaning supplies. I've been doing a whole bunch of cleaning recently in preperation for moving and I LOVE Mr. Clean's Magic Eraser. It really does get most things off of the walls, doors, and baseboards. Look at the following pictures for an example. My sweet boy thought he would draw on the wall the other day. Sigh. Just when you think someone knows better. (In case you are wondering it is basically a sign meaning "No Girls Allowed".) Well, as soon as it was discovered I handed HIM the magic eraser and he cleaned it off himself. It works on crayons and even gets most scuffs off of baseboards and the bottom of doors. Its fabulous!
OK now I want to know what you can't live without!
Magic Eraser is a no brainer now! but clorox Clean up cleaner! It is my favorite even if it gives my husband a headache!
Okay my favorite new cleaning product is the Pledge Multi-surface cleaner http://www.pledge.com/multi-surface-cleaner/. The thing I love most about it is that I can clean everything w/out having to switch cleaners. I dust, do mirrors, clean counter tops, stoves, tables, the fridge, etc. It rocks!
Last spring I switched to Shaklee products...I haven't found a stain they can't get out and Jacob's breathing has been better since. Amazing what a simple change will do!
Do you really wanna know?
A toothbursh. Yup. Gets in all those cracks that a cloth just cannot.
I also like the greenworks line.
My VT made me "green" multipurpose cleaner that smells great. I have cleaned more than usual since I've had it. 1 tsp washign soda, 2 tsp Borax, 1/2 tsp liquid castille soap, 2 c hot water, 10 d essential oils (they are antiseptic). Put it all in a squirt bottle. I have also made tub scrub with 1 box baking soda plus 10 drops each cinnamon/lemon/eucalyptus essential oils and 5 drops clove essential oils. Its non toxic so you can hand your kids a scrub brush and let them clean the tub.
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