My children are early risers. I complain about it a lot. It wouldn't be so bad but it just gets old that is every day, weekends and holidays!
I would love to know what time everyone else's children get up. Mostly to know if I can feel sorry for myself or not! But also I think it would be interesting for all of us to see what other kids are doing.
Here are the approximate sleep schedules of my children:
They both go to bed between 7:30pm and 8:00pm.
Eliza (age 2) wakes up at least once in the middle of the night to pee
Tyson (age 4) randomly wakes up sometimes in the middle of the night also.
They wake up between 5:30 and 6:30am.
Eliza naps between 1:00pm and 3:00pm.
Tyson and nap don't even belong in the same sentence because that would be a small miracle if that ever happened.
I seriously wonder all the time if this is normal. I know other people with children who wake up early but is it normal or the exception?
Any more tips out there for getting children to sleep longer in the morning?
The Baby Whisperer has a method called "Wake-to-Sleep" where you gently wake the child up an hour or so before they usually wake up. They are supposed to go right back to sleep because they will still be tired. This will start their sleep cycle over and, if all goes according to plan, they should sleep longer that morning. If you do this for several nights she says they will start sleeping longer on their own without your intervention. I have tried it a few times and they do sleep longer on that day but I've never stuck with it long enough to see if I can permanently change their sleep. Has anyone out there tried this before? Just curious.
My kids (ages 3 1/2 and 5) go to sleep at 8:00 and wake up between 7:00 and 8:00 the next day. They almost never wake up during the night except for the occasional nightmare or potty break. My baby (age 12 mo) goes to bed at 7:30 or 8:00 and wakes up at 6:30 or 7:00. She rarely wakes up during the night unless she's teething. She naps at about 10:00 am and 3:00 pm for about an hour to 90 min.
It wasn't always this way. Up until about 6 weeks ago, my baby was waking up 2 or 3 times a night still (just wanting to play) and after a few nights of letting her "cry it out" she has slept through the night.
The 7.5 year old and the 1 year old go to bed at 8, and the 4 and 6 year old go to bed at 7. Everybody wakes up between 7 and 7:30. Im pretty sure all the potty trained kids wake up during the night to go potty, but Im not sure since I dont have to help them and they do it all on their own. Ty hasnt woken up at night since about 8 months.
Every once in a while one of the kids wakes up earlier, but they know that they have to stay in their room and be quiet until 7.
Amber knows I am not good at teaching my kids to sleep and I have complained many times to her about my sleeping woes! My 8 year old goes to bed at 9-10pm and sleeps until 7:30 or 8:00am, no waking up. My 5 year old goes to bed at the same time and wakes up at 8:00-9:30am. She occasionally wakes me up when she is scared. My two year old sometimes goes to bed that early but most days it is between 10 or 11pm. She sleeps until 9:30 or 10am but wakes up several times and usually ends up in my bed. My baby (10 months) goes to bed between 8:30 and 9:30pm and wakes up between 8 and 9:30am. She also wakes up several times and ends up sleeping in my bed. So, if anyone needs advice on how NOT to get your kids to sleep good, I have it! I know the problems we have are that I don't get my kids to bed early enough. I also don't make them sleep in their own beds because I am too tired to really wake up and get them back in their beds. It all just adds up to laziness on my part.
My baby is only 10 weeks old but my problem is she sleeps too much. I think it's just because she was sick this week, but I keep waiting for her to be awake for more than an hour at a time. She has slept through the night (not counting the occasional binkie replacements) for several weeks now. She wakes for feedings (she's already over 14 pounds so I'm not worried about growth) and stays awake for maybe an hour after that, but then she gets cranky and goes to sleep again.
Cute bed! I definitely wish I could spend more uninterrupted time in mine also. I do have one suggestion to share that I have heard about for early risers, but it only works for an older child. One of my friends had a Saturday morning 'fairy' that leaves out breakfast bars/granola bars, etc. on the table for breakfast and her children knew to find their breakfast and either play or watch t.v. on their own that day. My six year old sleeps without getting up from 9:00 or 9:30 to 7:30 when I wake him up for school. My two year old sleeps from about 7:30 or 8:00 p.m. to 6:00 or 7:00 a.m. usually without waking up. He has recently been getting up earlier than he used to. He also takes a 2 to 3 hour nap each day. My baby (5 months) sleeps from about 8:00 p.m. to 4:00 or 5:00 a.m. and goes back to sleep for a few hours. He also takes 3 naps a day, usually one while the two year old is also sleeping. The hard part with my mornings now is if I have to get up at 4:00 a.m. I go back to sleep, but sometimes my two year old wakes me back up at 6:00 a.m. It has not been fun to be woken up twice in the same morning. If my baby wakes up at 5:00 a.m. I just stay awake because it is not worth going back to sleep. I try to go to bed early so I can get enough sleep, but then I never get time to do anything in the evening.
Yo Amber,
You know Tate (2 years old) was the master of sleeping in - till about 10:00 or so. But it wasn't great because he didn't take a nap and he wouldn't go to sleep until around 9-11 pm. But, we just returned from England a week ago and it hooked us up! London is 7 hours ahead, so after a crazy flight and mixing up his schedule, he is now way tired at 7 or 8 pm and sleeps till 7 or 8 am. Its awesome! But no nap anymore unless he is way tired. He has been off the nap for a while- its a trade off, no break in the day, but he will go to sleep at night and sleep all the way through, so its worth it to me. Sometimes I let him nap if hes crazy tired, but I know he won't go down easy at night.
Both my boys were always horrible about sleeping through the night when they were smaller. Mostly, and probably solely, due to my laziness of wanting to get up and put them back in their bed. Plus, I nursed them, THROUGH THE NIGHT, until they were over 2. I'm sure that bad habit was hard to break, but I never liked waking up to a drenched t-shirt or ring-around-the-nipple. Curious how quickly my bad habits will kick in a gain this time around... YAY!
Now that they are older (11 and 7) it isn't exactly blissful/peaceful nights, but close. Dom (11) goes to bed around 9:30. It keeps creeping later in 15 minute increments now that he has so much crap going on during the week, so some of that can't be helped. He is a terribly light sleeper and doesn't fall asleep sometimes until after 10... maybe 11. UGH. It's annoying. He wakes up, no matter the time he goes to bed, about 7:30am. Week mornings, weekends, holidays, you name it. Luckily, he is plenty old enough to KNOW how to fend for himself and leave me alone in the morning if I'm still sleeping!
Gabe (7 next week) goes to bed around 8:30-8:45. It used to be 8, but I can't seem to get him tucked in by then with all the weekly stuff going on. It's hit or miss with him. He will either wake up @ 7 ready to roll, OR sleep until 9 (on non-school days). Can't quite figure out the trick for consistency there, but bedtime doesn't seem to effect it... even when he stays up late. His new thing is waking up around 5:30 and climbing into bed with us. Maybe he senses his territory being invaded and having only a limited amount of "mom time" left?
OH, and on this subject... anyone have an opinion on how whether or not I should continue to "tuck" my kids in. I do every night. BOTH of them. But Jared says they are too old, and some nights I am annoyed with the process and agree... but mostly enjoy it. Advice on the matter?
Please excuse the typos. It would help if I learned how to type and not have it sound like I'm talking!
I have the sleeping till at least 7 thing working perfectly but I think it is because I allowed my kids to be in my bed until January of this year. So the girls were 5 and 3 years old before they got the boot. I know that is how and why my kids would sleep. The rule now is, to stay in your bed until the sun comes up and then you can come to my bed and they snuggle in and sleep until at least about 7:30. Here's the kicker though, I never had a baby sleep through the night and i don't really know what age they started to do that because they used to come to my bed. Trade offs I tell ya, trade offs
Here is the deal. They girls always started out in their own bed, even as babies but in the middle of the night, it was easier then staying up with them. I enjoy having my babies in my bed and I will probably do the same thing with this one, the only thing is tha tthis one will have sisters that have to get up earlier for school so I think that the baby won't have the sleep pattern.
This is what i did when my girls would wake up to early, sippy cup and disney channel! Yup and I am proud of it and would do it again! lol A rested mom is a happy mom.
Des they boys are too old to be tucked in when they are done with it. It's a tender time between you and them. Dom will let you know and so will gabe. +^)
My kids 5 and 2 got to bed at 9pm and wake up at 8am. I know its a bit late but I love the sleeping in. The 2 year old takes a nap 1-3. I put black out curtains on their windows so its dark as a cave!
I do not go to Ethan before 7:00 am. I have always made him cry it out no matter what. Over time he has learned that he just does not wake up before 7:00 am.
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