"Here is Karen's email. I just realized I don't even know her last name. I'll also send her phone number along but if you call her be prepared to chat for a while!"
Just as I pushed SEND, I realized that Karen's email address was still in the "TO" box. It was too late! It was sent to Karen! AHHH!!! (I used the "TO" box to look up Karen's address and then meant to delete it, but FORGOT!)
So that day I learned two things.
2) Enable "Undo Send" on my gmail account. It gives you a couple of extra seconds to undo your email after you hit send.
It's super easy to enable. If you are signed in to your email account look at the options in the top right corner. There should be a little icon of a beaker. Click on it and it will take you to Google Labs. There are tons of features you can enable here. Just scroll until you find "Undo Send" and click to enable. Voila-Now you can take back the rude things you accidentally send in your emails!
Does anyone know if Yahoo or Hotmail has a feature like this?
Does anyone else have a Lab from gmail that they love?
This is great information. I am going to go enable this lab right now.
oh how smart is that?! I'm not sure if yahoo or hotmail have it, but I'll be checking!
I HATE IT WHEN THAT HAPPENS! I hope Karen has a sense of humor. Thanks for the tip. There must be a magic button on Outlook, too?
I'm so glad that hasn't happened to me yet. I'll have to do the enable undo send just in case it ever does!
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