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Monday, October 26, 2009

Eyebrow Inquiry

I just got this question from Dinah. Please comment if you can help!
"I have decided to "reshape" my eyebrows and I'm afraid that after plucking and waxing them for so many years they aren't growing back full enough for me to reshape.  I have been letting them grow in for at least a month now (my eyebrows look horrible and everyone probably wants to say "um, you need to pluck") and I don't know how much longer I can last.  Any advice?"


Sarah B said...

When I overpluck, I make sure to pencil in the shape that I want, then only let hairs grow in that area, so you don't have the random outliers. I have been regrowing parts of mine and it takes several months to get full growth.

Amber said...

I'm with Sarah. I think you just have to be patient even though it might not look the best. I was reading that it could take at least two months to regrow eyebrows. I think it said eyebrow hair is the slowest growing hair on our body. Eyebrow hair follicles can be damaged over time but hopefully if you give yours a little more time they will grow thicker. I'm not sure what to do if they are damaged though. Anyone else know?