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Friday, March 5, 2010

Digital Picture Storage and Organization

From Alisa:
"We aren’t overly-excited picture-taking people. But we have collected some treasures of the years. What are your best ideas for organizing and storing digital pictures? I have a lap top with an external hard drive for back up. I don’t understand fancy techno lingo and I don’t have a lot of time to be fussy."
I know some of you out there have systems for this. Please share and help Alisa out!


lemontree said...

I use Scott's jpeg Commenter to label the pictures, though you have to have a photo viewer that supports comments to view them, or just look at them through the commenter. Then I file them in folders by year and month, or sometimes by children's names. It's certainly not a perfect system, but it works pretty well.

amyluvsstars said...

After working with digital cameras for 4 years one thing I would strongly recommend is to have your pictures in three different places. One of those places should also not be at your home, either on the internet or at a family members house. It saddened me to hear of all these people who lost their pictures. As far as organizing them, get a mac. Iphoto does it all for you. it organizes them by month and year. It also has face recognition so if you are trying to find pictures of just one person it will sort through your pictures and find them.

Abbie said...

I like to keep mine organized in folders by year and month. To find them quickly I like to tag them. I use Photoshop elements to do this, but Picassa is free software that you can also use.

Alisa said...

Thanks-currently we're organized by year and month. I never thought to tag. I'm curious if Picasa is a favroite-what makes it better than Flickr and whatever other online options are out there? That's where I get confused.

Rach H @ FamilyEverAfter said...

I agree- get a Mac! But, if you don't have one (I don't), I would totally recommend Picasa. That is what I use to organize and quick-edit my pictures. I also use photoshop for more in depth editing, but I certainly don't do that on every pic I take. I also use the month and year system, and then at the end of every month, I print out a photo index sheet, stick it in a notebook, and burn a CD for the month. Its all saved on my external drive too. Backing it up on the internet is a great idea, and I can't believe I haven't done this yet. I wish I could show you more about Picasa. Come to Rapid and I will! :)

Rach H @ FamilyEverAfter said...

PS- I have a Photobucket account, but I have not found it to be very useful. Mostly I used it as a hosting middleman to post larger pictures to my blog before I learned how to do it on the blog. I don't like it because it takes way too long to download all my photos. Photobucket, Flickr, etc serve different purposes than Picasa, in my opinion. You don't need the internet to use Picasa, its mainly a free software to edit and view your pictures quickly.

Alisa said...

Maybe I can just hire someone to handle our pictures for us and all my problems will be solved. Any takers?

Amber said...

Derek has a Mac and it is great with picture but on my desktop I also have Picasa. You can do simple edits on photos and publish to your blog or an online album right from Picasa. Recently Picasa added a new facial recognition feature as well that is pretty cool.
And about photo storage. I store them on the computer itself, the external hard drive, and then every once in a while I burn discs of my recent photos and send them to my sister to keep at her house. Just to be safe. I'd come help you if I could! Too bad we don't ever live in the same place for longer than a few weeks at a time!