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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Baby Bib with Waterproof Layer

Here is another great tutorial from my sister Abbie. Thanks Abbie!!!!!
"My son Ryan had reflux and spit up constantly until he was 10 months old. He wore a bib almost all of his waking hours. I wanted to make him some bibs, so I started looking around online. There are a lot of great online tutorials already, but I couldn't find one for a bib with a waterproof layer, so I decided to make my own.
Find your favorite baby bib and trace it onto a paper. Add a quarter of an inch around the entire perimeter and cut out for your pattern.

For each bib you would like to make, cut out one layer of fabric right side up for the top and one layer of fabric right side down for the bottom. If you are making more than one bib, you could cut out several at a time.

For the waterproof liner, I found an old nylon bag we didn't use anymore and cut out one for each bib I was making. Any waterproof nylon fabric would work for this as long as it is not too thick. If you use thick fabric on these bibs they will be really stiff. Other nylon things you might find to use is old jackets, tents, waterproof mattress covers, etc. If you don't have any old nylon laying around the house, you could try a second hand store. But please make sure the nylon you use is non-toxic.

Stack your layers. I also cut out a layer of flannel for each bib for extra spit-up absorption. Put the nylon layer on the bottom, then put a layer of flannel next (if you are using it), then add the top layer right side up, and the bottom layer right side down. Pin together.

Sew around the edge of the bib with a quarter-inch seam. Leave several inches not sewn in order to be able to flip the bib right side out.

Trim the perimeter of the bib and clip the corners..

Turn inside out. You may want to use a pencil to help. Fold the unsewn area under and press. Press the entire bib.

Sew around the entire perimeter of the bib.

To finish, I added a snap for closure. Velcro would work as well."


Amy Hall said...

This website is genius!!!!
You are so creative and well spoken.
I have it marked so I can check in more often:)
And I love the bib pattern. I have been looking around for something like this:)!

*katie said...

Cute! I need to start looking for nylon laying around the house:)

Amber said...

I was thinking you could probably use a waterproof shower curtain. They only cost a couple bucks brand new. And you could make a TON of bibs out of it.