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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Silver Biotics

I got this from Jennifer. Anyone out there know anything you can tell her?

"Silver Biotics. Has anyone heard of it? I am looking for more info from people who like it and those who don't.
Silver Biotics is an over the counter biotic. The labels says "Doctor Recommended, Natural Alternative: is a non-adaptagenic and may be used everyday as your natural solution to support your body's immune system for a healthier you. Supports your immune system's defense against colds, sinus, throat, skin, ear, respiratory, yeast gastrointestinal, and food poisoning." It cost $20 for an 8 fl. oz bottle and 1/2-2 tsp is a recommended dose for children to adults and a child could drink the whole bottle and not overdose. YET, it claims to kill bacteria for UTI's, Strep, Pink Eye, Staph Infection, and even Swine Flu faster and more effective that prescription anti biotics. It is ingested but can also be applied to infections or dropped into eyes, etc.

My attraction to this product, if it IS safe and DOES work is that it's cheaper than a doctors visit. I hate paying $30 to go to the doctor when I KNOW they have pink eye, or strep, or a UTI, etc.

Does this really work and can I use it to cure the things I KNOW my kids have instead of going to the doctor? What do you think?"


Abbie said...

Sounds interesting. I would like to hear more about this also.

Riley's said...

So this is something that I know a lot about. The reason, my grandparents make it themselves and call it is also called collodial silver. They swear by it. I have some here at home and I find it works particularily well for colds but that's honestly about it. I have never had it work for UTI's or to cure my kids pink eye. So I dont' know if the brand silver biotics is better but I do know that collodial silver helps my sinus's especially when I have a nasty cold. It is a homeopathic remedy that my family has used for generations. It has not cured my kids pink eye or anything else like that. Hope this helps a little

Amber said...

Here is a link my mother-in-law sent me.

JeLe said...

My friend who SWEARS by this stuff BUT had said NEVER MAKE IT ON YOUR OWN. That is why people are turning blue, they don’t make it correctly. As far as she knows, there is not a case of anyone turning blue while using the OTC stuff from GNC where it is FDA approved, according to my friend. And yes, the blue NEVER goes away. DON’T MAKE YOUR OWN!
I DID use it. Two weeks ago (why do kids get sick on Friday nights) my youngest went to the bathroom 3 times in 10 minutes at 2:00AM. The third time, she started crying, “I go potty so much”, she is three. We gave her a drink, and stayed by her for 2 hours while she went potty again and again and again. At first the urine was cloudy, then no color as the extra fluids kicked it. She was going potty every half hour the following morning. I went to a baby shower and my friend sent me home with Silver Biotics. I had been away for a few hours, but as soon as I gave her a recommended dose, she only went to the bathroom every hour (because I made her) and she stopped saying it hurt. I tried to back off the dose by Monday, and she started having troubles again, mainly that she would go potty, then feel she needed to go again in a few minutes but have nothing come out. So I kept the doses going for a few more days. Then I stopped and by the end of the day, this symptom returned again. She could not pee and was in tears. I gave her one more dose, she peed almost immediately (I wouldn’t say psychological, because I had never given her the medicine on the potty, only at meals) NO LIE. All this could be coincidental so I’m still unsure about the product.
My friend uses it all the time, and is not blue. She has treated ear infections (along with candling?), Pink Eye, UTI’s, stomach flu, streph throat, and staph infection. She only uses it when she feels something coming. She gives it to her kids. She drops it in eye and ears, swallows it, swishes with it, and puts it directly on skin. This winter she’s going to spray it up her nose to ward off Swine Flue. She and her kids go to a doctor for yearly appointments, but rarely when they are sick.
I’m still not sure about this product but will try to learn more.

Gary said...

I have used this product and others - but now only use - Silver Biotics 10ppm or ASAP 20ppm – by American Biotech Labs, as it is the most cost effective and rated in the Top 3. My sister & aunt used it for pinkeye & it cleared up overnight – one used it 2 days other 3 days to make sure. I use it for sore throat – sinus – burns – sores. I had sores on neck & ear that wouldn’t heal for 3 months and ASAP Silver Gel (also made by American Biotech Labs) cured it in 2 wks. My brother used Silver Biotics for Flu – used 16oz in 2&1/2 days (no side effects) – I told him how much to take so he used 16oz more over next 1&1/2 wks to clear Flu up. A real good place for health supplements like this is: – I use & have sent several people here, just limited products compared to a health food store - however – have only good quality products – no junk just to make money on.