Here is what we did this year at our house. I put all of Tyson's stuff from preschool, storytime, church, etc. in a box and kept it over the course of the school year. In June we got the box down and took a couple of hundred pictures of him with all of his projects. (It's digital-they are free!) Then, he helped me take most things to the trash. We saved a few of the favorites and put them in a binder. He was totally okay with it once I explained that we don't have room to keep everything and he will be able to look at it all whenever he wants in the pictures. Eventually I plan to make a photo book out of the pictures.
Here is a picture of something my sister has done. She has an unfinished basement so she just wallpapered her walls with artwork. She also keeps the favorites in notebooks, though.

Magnetic paint: An easy way to hang up and display artwork.
Ikea has a bunch of cool magnet strips you could hang on the wall for displaying artwork. This one is only $0.99!
Scan artwork and just keep it in a file on the computer. Make photo books of the best pieces every so often.
Any more ideas out there? What do you do to manage the TONS of papers your kids bring home?
There is a web site called and you can make your own books. Jim Halfpenny gave us the web address and we saw some of the books he made. Very cool. Good for family history too. There is also another site and I can't think of it at the moment but I will later. (after I have slept a few hours)also others can buy a copy from the web site if they want it. :) I am putting one together about my great grandfather.
I put up a string with clothespins to hang artwork in the play room. The artwork kept rotating and Jacob was easily able to tell me his favorites and toss the others. I want to try magnetic paint in our next house and put frames around the magnetic sections for a finished look. Cute wallpaper, Abbie!
We have an art door. They put their stuff on it, when it's full, they have to take something of theirs off to put up their new art. I keep the ones I love, take pictures of others, and they toss the rest. It's between the kitchen and the garage, so we see them all the time and enjoy them!
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